Upcoming Shows

Upcoming Shows

Just so you know:

I regularly perform on line up shows at comedy clubs. If you want to see a solo show (currently a work in progress, so tickets are ✨cheaper✨ than they will be once the show is finished), look for Made in USA 🇺🇸, which is the very clever name I gave my first solo hour of comedy.



🇺🇸 My debut solo comedy show. 🇺🇸

Get your tickets here.

Lord, have merch-y!

Lord, have merch-y!

Yeah, comedians like clothes as well. soon, you too can look like a real comedian!




Humorist Comedy

Humorist Comedy •

Humorist Comedy partners with beautiful venues to create one-of-a-kind comedy shows in unexpected places. People from all over the world come together to laugh at the jokes of comedians from all over the world – just the way we like it.

Founded in 2021 (lol, remember the pAndemic?!), Humorist comedy produces live comedy shows and online content.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran comedy fan, or a casual observer (rawr), Humorist Comedy produces shows for all levels of comedy fandom. Come see a show A$AP.

Get In *Touch*

Get In *Touch*